Download the zip files to a folder of your choice on your pc then un-archive
[open] them with Winzip. Winzip is a 'free to try' program and now part
of XP or can found on most pc magazine's cover disks.
The zip files have been checked for viruses.
contains 2D .DXF vector lines drawings of a 38' Stone smack 'Peace'
with thanks to Edgar J March's book "Inshore Craft of Britain In the
Days of Sail and Oar. Volume 1" from which publication, I eventually
found out, the drawings had been taken. Drawings
to view here on your browser then, to download, right click on it
and save the graphic to your hard drive. When loaded into a graphics
program you can adjust the images for hard copy. |
use vector graphics and Computer Aided Design software? The short
answer is that they can do a lot more than a bitmap Paint type program.
With vector drawings a CAD program can draw a smack, full size, to
a tolerance of a thousand times smaller than a micron (if you were
mad enough!) but more practically can measure the true length of a
shroud and measure the displaced volume of a hull, making a huge time
saving on manual calculations. If there are vertical and horizontal
dimensions on the tracing then Cad can magnify the drawing in tiny
increments till the scale is exact.
Many thanks to Roland Tank [marine architect] for cleaning up the .DXF files. I have had feed back from some model makers and they say the smack lines are very true but the bawley lines have a few bumps to iron out. _________ Please
let me know if you have lines of other smacks that I can put on
this site for the benifit of others in the future. Let me know the
software that the above loads into correctly AND if you have problems
loading into CAD software. Vector graphics programmers are notorious
for changing the file formats like their socks and a .dxf file will
load one year and not the next ! |